Vaibhav Pareek 's Portfolio , Install all the libraries and start working.

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Welcome to Vaibhav Binary : chmod +x ./vaibhavpareek -> Task Completed..

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👀Vaibhav is a team player who likes to play with technology. He is trying to fulfill his wish of becoming the best Technocrat in the world. He loves automation in his works, playing with the codes, resolving errors, and contributing to other's work. A strong believer in "Let's Stop Believing, Start Exploring "🔓.

cat » vaibhav_ideology.vp

💯Vaibhav believes the best way to learn anything is by implementing that in real-life scenarios through a 🔃PROJECT. So, he always learn anything by implementing technologies mentioned below in projects.

Installing Libraries……

# Collecting.......
✅Machine Learning ✅Computer Vision          ✅Feature Selection Automation 
✅IBM Cloud        ✅Linux Server Management  🆕Node-Red Automation 
✅DevOps           ✅Cyber Security           ✅ACL Management
✅IBM Watson       ✅Web Development

cat » recent_projects.vp

cat » certifications.vp

cat » blogs.vp

cat » vulnerability_reported.vp

cat » web_experience.vp

cat » organizations.vp

# Installing Languages......

# Downloading.......
💢Python 💢CPP 💢 Java 💢 PHP
1 / 10
CyberHack-LoopHole Event
2 / 10
Amcat Certificate
3 / 10
Docker Training Certificate
4 / 10
CompTIA Memories
5 / 10
ISCP Certificate
6 / 10
7 / 10
LumusLabs RVDP
8 / 10
Vulnorator Appreciation Letter
9 / 10
Google Dork Published
10/ 10
Zivver Letter
